Popular ancestor quotes darkest dungeon
Popular ancestor quotes darkest dungeon

“Once again, the stars are right and the manor sits at the very epicenter of cosmic unrest. “These nightmarish creatures can be felled! They can be beaten!” – Narrator Famous Darkest Dungeon Quotesġ6. ‘We are not the flame,’ they will cry out, ‘We are but moths and we are doomed!’” – Narratorġ5. “In that limitless chasm of chaos-they will realize the truth of it. “‘We are the flame,’ they cry, ‘and darkness fears us!’” – Narratorġ4. “My obsession caused this great foulness, and it is shameful that I must rely upon you to set it right.” – Narratorġ3. “Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.” – Narratorġ2. “The cost of preparedness-measured now in gold, later in blood.” – Narratorġ1. “Many fall in the face of chaos, but not this one. “The mighty sword arm anchored by holy purpose-a zealous warrior.” – Narratorĩ. Keep to the side path-the hamlet is just ahead.” – NarratorĨ. “Behold the heart of the world! Progenitor of life, father and mother, alpha and omega! Our creator-and our destroyer.” – Narratorħ. “Leave nothing unchecked, there is much to be found in forgotten places.” – NarratorĦ.

popular ancestor quotes darkest dungeon

“Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade.” – Narratorĥ. “Ruin has come to our family.” – NarratorĤ. “I remember days when the sun shone and laughter could be heard from the tavern.” – Narratorģ. ‎”Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.” – NarratorĢ. Darkest Dungeon will put your decision-making, wit, and patience to the test.Ĭheck out our list below if you wish to enhance your gameplay.Īnd make sure to read these Joshua Graham quotes and Kingdom Hearts quotes. Red Hook Games created this video game, and it has been a hit since its Janurelease. So, we’re sure that this collection of quotes we’ve gathered will improve your gameplay and strategy. There are many real-life and virtual lessons embedded in this game. You better check out these Darkest Dungeon quotes if you want to relive the scenes of your gameplay and the adrenaline rush you had when playing.

Popular ancestor quotes darkest dungeon