Brew install node
Brew install node

brew install node

Node.jsĪgain, to see the version you have installed: node -v If you don’t have NVM installed, or need to update it, run the install script found near the beginning of the docs. To check what version of NVM you have: nvm -v If you don’t have Node.js downloaded yet, simply do this: brew install nodeįor updating Node.js, you will need to use Node Version Manager. If you want to have the latest version of Homebrew installed, you can check what version you already have: brew -vĪnd you can update it: brew upgrade or brew updateĪlso, if you want to see what packages you already have downloaded see here.

brew install node

If you don’t have Homebrew installed yet, follow the instructions on their website. So instead, I decided to use Homebrew to update it from the command line. I already had Node.js installed on my computer, but for some reason, I was having some difficulty updating it directly from the Node.js website. How to install & update Node.js on MacOS using Homebrew

Brew install node